Singletons: For & Against

In this article we will explore the controversial topic of singletons. For some, this singleton pattern an anti-pattern to be avoided at all costs, for others they are just a way of handling situations where we want to restrict the instantiation of a particular class to one instance where we would want to be able... » read more

Trees (BSTs & RBTs)

A tree is a data structure with multiple branching, they are made up of nodes, and each tree has a root node, and each root node will have zero or more child nodes, and each child node in turn can also have zero or more child nodes etc. Nodes at the bottom of the tree,... » read more

Higher Order Functions (in Swift & Python etc)

Higher-Order Functions are functions that can take one or more functions as arguments, these functions may also return functions.  in other words they take one or more functions as arguments (i.e. procedural parameters), and/or returns a function as their results. Functions that are not higher-order functions are called first-order functions. For programmers, the first instances of... » read more